Tuesday, January 6, 2009

A Sad Story

What moment would you say would be the highlight for children during Christmas time? AND what Christmas moment do you think would be the most awful to have misplaced your digital camera? You guessed it...CHRISTMAS MORNING. Could such a sad story be true? Yes, it happened in the Murray house this year. Now, don't cry too hard -- we were able to video record Christmas morning. But, due to the fact that I have horrible computer skills and know nothing about downloading video, those captured memories will not be be featured on our blog. I guess the sexy men in the white flowy bell-bottoms (posted below) is the only Christmas Day photo you will be seeing from our family.
By the way...I found my digital camera. You might be wondering where it was...? It was in the camera bag where it should have been - But I NEVER put it where it is supposed to be!!! I didn't even think to check there.
Happy New Year to our family and friends...we love you all!

1 comment:

Natalie Murray said...

That is a sad story! I'm glad you found your camera though! Oh I looovve those sexy men!!!