So...I'm not the best blogger on the block. Anyway...
We had family pictures taken today, the kids didn't scream to death or kick a Kiddie Kandids worker so we were pleased. The pictures of the kids turned out cute. Jason and I were not really planning on being in any of the pictures, but the girls were getting panicky so we jumped in the picture. (Not digging how I look)
Sweet freedom! Once a week (every Friday) my wonderful newly wedded cousin Jessie has a little daycare and watches my girls at her home for about 4 to 5 hours so I can paint, run errands or do whatever I simply can't do will three little kids. I'm hoping this time away will make things like visiting teaching, grocery shopping much much much easier. I feel fortunate to be a stay at home Mom and love my kids, but everyone need a break sometimes...right? I think my girls get sick of me anyway, so this will be really good for them too. I'm so excited to start painting again. I hope to have a future like my Dads...being paid to be creative and do what I love.
Amy (my sister) came out to visit from Arizona last was so fun! ( Still trying to catch up on my sleep though) I love my mom and sisters. I think I can speak for them in saying that we are best friends. I laughed so hard I cried and I also...really cried. It was a good time.
I mentioned I'm going to start painting again and have some art shows already in mind for the next year. In addition to my artistic ambition, Ive officially decided to run for Mrs. Utah next spring. Growing up in a home were my mother volunteered on the state board for the American Cancer Society for many years and single handily raised thousands of dollars for cancer research really influenced me. Thanks to my moms example, community service has always been one of my life's ambitions and I see this Mrs. Utah program as the perfect doorway and opportunity to have community service experiences, build confidence ( which I admit I lack ) and make friends ( which I probably also lack ) I already have some good causes in mind and am looking forward to getting started. I believe Natalie my sister-in-law is also doing the pageant, which makes me even more excited. It's always nice to have someone who shares your same interests.
The little ones are good. Many of you probably know that Jason is on the high council in our stake, so I find myself alone on Sundays with the three kids STRUGGLING to make it through sacrament meeting. Ellie and Megan have caused many red in the face moments for me already. A couple of Sundays ago, during the passing of the bread and water both girls sneekingly squirmed under the pews to the front of the congregation climbed and stood on the front pew facing everyone in attendance and held there arms out and shouted TA DA! With an angered face that really wanted to laugh I frantically reached for the only thing that would bring them back to my pew without causing too much of a scene...GUM. Tomorrows Sunday so I'm sure I'll have something embarrassing to add to my blog next week!
I'm going to make a concentrated effort to keep my blog much more updated - to all our friends and family who read our posts...We love you all!