Saturday, August 30, 2008


It’s been three months since we brought this little boy home from the hospital. I think these last three months have been some of the most stressful of my life – but also some of the most wonderful! My three children are at challenging ages right now- let’s just say that there are a lot of diapers, crying, mischief and more crying. But, the good days make it all worth it.
Ellie is my tender hearted, creative and dramatic child. For example she will come to me and gasp “Mom I’m sooo hungry.” While gripping her tummy and hunching over like she’s going to collapse (this dramatic show often occurs ten minutes after eating lunch) Ellie has a soft spot for her sister Megan. Ellie regularly asks Megan “Are you happy or sad? Be happy Megan!” Ellie is so concerned for her sisters happiness (except if Megan has a toy that she wants) Ellie’s current obsession is ‘My Little Ponies’
Megan is my confident, sassy and humorous child. Megan doesn’t walk, she struts and her dance moves would put anyone in stitches. Megan loves her sweets (and it shows…just kidding Meggie Sue) Megan’s sweet little kisses at my bedside are what wake me up most mornings. Though she is a terrible two year old, you can’t help but love her to pieces! Megan’s current obsession is candy.
CJ has my heart. I can’t wait to see how his personality develops. In my eyes he is just perfect in every way. CJ’s current obsession is his mommy. (Sorry Daddy)

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Cj is so cute. That is all I have to say.